Rosa M. Rodriguez, LMT, MFA

Rosa M. Rodriguez, LMT, MFA

Rosa M. Rodriguez, LMT, MFA, is a Registered Advanced Instructor and Advanced Practitioner with the Society of Ortho-Bionomy® International. She’s been teaching Ortho-Bionomy since 2010 and has been studying this modality since 1989.
Rosa has a MFA in dance and an Occupational degree in massage therapy from New York State. She has been a certified fitness instructor with the American Council on Exercise since 1991. She approaches bodywork with an intrinsic awareness having danced professionally in a career that spanned 20 years, in addition to having taught dance and fitness classes for 2 decades, including in universities and privately. Rosa maintains a practice in Manhattan and is the owner of Ortho-Bionomy® in NYC, providing educational workshops in Ortho-Bionomy in New York City.

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